Some time last year, an unsuspecting vicar at a fundraiser event spotted a nice shiny motorbike on the grass of All Souls church. "The chrome on that is very shiny" said the vicar.
That was a dangerous thing to say, because the vicar had never gone near a motorbike before and so someone thought it would be a good idea to make a fundraiser for the church by placing the vicar on the back of one.
The vicar tried ever so hard to find a suitable date for the event. And Pentecost, the day the raw power of God's Spirit arrived on all the believers was chosen.
At All Souls the raw power experienced that day was the sight and sound of 22 bikes cruising in from Folkestone services from whence the vicar was delivered to lead the service still wearing the biking leathers. A good amount of money was raised for some of the heavy costs our church has to bear this year and a lot of fun and new friendships and connections were made in addition.
Much thinking is now going on about what other intriguing fundraisers might be achieved in the months to come.
Here are just a few photos from the event.